The TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo is the largest professional development event in the English language teaching field.
The convention offered a wide range of engaging professional development opportunities to English language teaching (ELT) professionals at all levels from around the world. Participants from ECSD developed a global perspective through the exchange of ideas, research, and practices.
ECSD Participants:
- Jeannette Dean MVE EL teacher
- Shannon Scott MVE fourth grade teacher
- Abigail Parkin NSE EL teacher
- Mary Allenbaugh NSE teacher
- Karla Wehner FIS EL teacher
- Emilio Puentes FIS EL Paraprofessional
- Laura Wells FIS EL Paraprofessional
- Melissa Naranjo FIS EL Paraprofessional
- Gladys Nunez Flores FIS teacher
- Cindy DeLeon FIS teacher
- Nadina Delgado FIS teacher
- Kimberly Vargas EHS EL LTS
- Kathy Clark EHS EL Paraprofessional
- District
- Lelsy Stewart District ELD Coordinator
- "It was wonderful to learn from professionals who have English Learners as a high priority in the classroom and in the community." Abigail Parkin NSE
- "There were so many great sessions that lent strategies and ideas for immediate implementation in our classrooms, such as, "Math: Language Rich Practices", "Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in the Language Classroom", "Peace Linguistics" and more." Shannon Scott MVE
- "TESOL offered a lot of information and resources I would not have found or known of on my own. I would urge all EL staff and even gen. ed. teachers who have first or second-year EL students in their classroom to attend TESOL." Emilio Puentes FIS
- "The TESOL International Conference was inspiring and insightful into English language acquisition and classroom strategies, it was empowering to be surrounded by educators from around the world, truly motivational." Cindy DeLeon FIS